
Monday 14 December 2015

Most Used Item This Week...

So when I finished my last can of the Charles Worthington Texturizing Spray I thought it was time for a change, there was nothing wrong with it I just thought I needed something new to try. So I went to Superdrug and I bought the Fudge Urban Texture Spray as it was on offer and I've heard a bit about it before so I thought I'd try it out. 

So I have been testing out for the last week and here are my opinions. As a person who strives to get more volume in my hair texturizing spray is a must. The positives of this one is that it is not sticky at all, like when you spray it in your hair doesn't feel crunchy it literally doesn't feel like you have anything in your hair. Another positive is that it lasts in your hair all day and it has a lovely smell. 

Now on to the not so good things. Although I like the smell I can see why people would not like this it is quite overpowering and I can still smell it in my hair hours later and could be a bit overpowering if you were wearing perfume too. Another problem I have found is that I just don't get as much volume as I would like. The Charles Worthington one gives double the amount of volume compared to this one and is the amount that I desire. 

This is the first product that I have tried Fudge and although this wasn't the best product it hasn't discouraged me from not trying other products due to it being so cheap. 

This product is online here and in Superdrug Stores for £6.99 

See you tomorrow!



  1. Ooo I've never tried a texturizing spray before! Id love to see before and after photos!

    Jodie @ Jodetopia x

    1. Ooo never thought to do that maybe I can add them in later

  2. I love texturising sprays but always find them really sticky. I had a Bumble and Bumble one which was amazing but so expensive. This sounds great, will have to check this out. My hair is so flat ATM!

    1. Honestly this doesnt make my hair sticky at all the best part about it
