
Friday 29 April 2016

Fitness Friday #5 - April Round Up

Now I realise it has been a long time since I have done a fitness post but don't worry I haven't given up on fitness I am still working out most days following Lucy's monthly calender. 

This month she decided to do a challenge for us which was #lwrhiitin4 which was a 4 Minute Hiit workout uploaded every day at 6:30 with one rest day a week which was the same as the rest day on her monthly calendar. 

With each video she uploaded the workouts got harder and harder which is good as it means your body is working harder too. She also provides a variation on the moves if you are just starting out in fitness too, so the challenge is suitable for everyone.

If you want to start the monthly challenge Lucy has created a playlist here, so you can start whenever you want.

I wanted to share with you my favourite five workouts from this series: 

These aren't necessarily the ones I found the hardest, (because omg some of the week 4 ones are so hard) but the ones I feel I benefited from the most afterwards. Obviously as I have been following it in order I haven't done any twice yet but these would be my go to ones in the future. 

So here are my before and after photos, you probably can't tell the difference as I haven't gained or lost any weight just maintained. But my before is on the left and my after is on the right. 

I do have to say though that after completing this challenge I feel a lot better within myself. I don't feel like I have wobbly bits on me any more I feel like I have toned up a lot more all over, in particular my abs and my arms. I feel a lot more confident within myself now. 

The other positive thing is #LucysSquad there are loads of people out there now doing the challenge and its nice to see other peoples achievements as it keeps me motivated. 

Lucy is also bringing out an e-book on May 3rd to go alongside this series which will have a few extra workouts and it will have some nutritional advice in it too, which will compliment the workouts. I can't wait to see the e-book. 

Next month Lucy is starting another challenge #lucys100reps which is where Lucy will be uploading a new video every day with 100 reps in it. I can't wait to see what challenges she brings. 

Thanks to Lucy for being so dedicated to her job, I don't know many people who'd want to film and upload all those videos in one month and now she is doing another. Such dedication. 

What have you been doing to keep fit in April? 

See you soon. 



  1. I love these posts. You look amazing! I've heard of Lucy with Anna - I definitely need to check out her videos. Keep up the amazing work lovely!

    Hannah xx

    1. Awww thank you so much. I don't think I look much different but I am definetly feeling different within myself :) xx

  2. Well done! I think there's a noticeable difference in the photos, you're looking a lot more toned. It's encouraged me to up my fitness game again!

    Helen x
